Just like your best college choice may not have been in your backyard, your next best career opportunity may be in another part of the country.
Kingston-Dwight Associates has access to opportunities nationwide. Many of these positions are with companies that are experiencing dramatic growth and business change. These are companies committed to finding the best talent.
However the bar is set high to be considered by these companies, more so for candidates needing relocation assistance. It is not just the cost. The hiring managers want to know if the individual is truly willing and able to make the personal changes as well as the professional adjustment required to be successful.
If you have the right stuff professionally, the next screening criteria is your ability to demonstrate that you have done your homework and that you understand the costs, sacrifices and level of commitment necessary to compete for the top opportunities in other parts of the United States or Canada.
Fortunately, in the internet age there are many tools to help you calculate housing costs, cost of living and other financial considerations. You can easily learn about other parts of the country that are right for your lifestyle, interests and needs.
Kingston-Dwight Associates can help you convert your personal preparation into a chance to interview for that dream job that could fast track you into a senior management position.
We have an extensive network of contacts looking for our assistance in finding top talent. Kingston-Dwight Associates is a member of two national networks that are committed to promoting recruitment activity across the country and helping members incorporate "best practices" into their recruitment approaches. Visit our network websites for more information.
Contact us to learn about how our network works!